Q: Can I still use my Epicurean card?
A: Your current Epicurean card can be used in perpetuity. You can also easily use the Newport Restaurant Group Fare Rewards app.

Q: Will we get early access to upcoming events?
A: We look forward to a return of wine dinners and engaging culinary events when the time is appropriate and as always, our loyalty members will be the first to know.

Q: Will there no longer be an annual gift or party?
A: That is correct. We had enjoyed providing gifts and opportunities for membership to gather, but inevitably not all individuals shared the same interests. As stated in the letter you received, we’d much prefer to allow our restaurants the freedom to show you great hospitality as they see fit, based on what they know you enjoy.

Q: Is the parking perk gone?
A: Yes. As mentioned last year, we do not own the parking lot in front of The Mooring and therefore do not dictate its rates. We will continue off-season validation when dining.

Q: Will I still get early access to the Cyber Monday Gift Card Offer Promotion?
A: Yes. We will continue to allow all grandfathered Epicurean members early access. We have your email address on file and will continue to send that offer out a day prior to when it is available to the entire Fare Rewards membership.